

Click the thumbnail of the wallpaper to enlarge and download.
Wood 21     Color 21
Wood 13     Color 13
Wood iPhone     Color iPhone
Wood iPad     Color iPad

For Mac: Unzip the downloaded file. Right click (control+click) the "icns" file you prefer and select "Copy". Right click the folder or file you want to paste the icon onto and select "More Info". At the top right of the More Info window left click the existing file/folder's icon. Once the icon is highlighted, paste the desired LiveCoqy icon either by right click-paste or command-V.
For PC: Follow a similar path as the Mac instructions, but you'll have to convert the .icns file to .ico using

Stickers are available from the LiveCoqy store.

apparel media
Apparel comes on a first-come-first-serve basis. All shirts will be a limited run of 10-20 items; so each shirt is unique and is like a rare piece of collectible art. To see if there are available shirts for sale check the LiveCoqy Store. All apparel is of the highest quality including the design, printing, and fabric. Please contact LiveCoqy's email [livecoqy(at)] if you are interested in purchasing apparel.

The COQY001 (Summer 2011) - Sold Out
The Branding (Fall 2011) - Available

Press Kit
Download Now!
The Press Kit has the allowed use of LiveCoqy logos and branding.
Email LiveCoqy [livecoqy(at)] for the Illustrator file.