Monday, June 20, 2011

Artists of Color [see]


In this post I examine three very notable figures in the art world today. Each individual is different in every way: their age, where they're from, their interests, and their style of art. Their differences come together to all have one thing in common: their keen eye for color in painting. Jeff Ham, Matt W. Moore, and Françoise Nielly are all displayed to show you why they are some of the greats in today's art culture.

Jeff Ham's paintings are simply amazing. One look and you can tell this man has talent. His drawing abilities of people, animals, and scenery are precise, but it is his sense of color is what stands him out from the crowd. The way he selects which colors to apply to shadings, characteristics of people, and other details is very eye catching. Jeff's paintings include a lot of Native Americans, nudes, and notable persons, but he has many more animals, scenes, and even self paintings. Check out his website to see his talent:

Matt W. Moore is no simple painter or graphic artist. He's got his hand in everything it seems like. He does graphic design for his clothing company "Glyph Cue" (where I just ordered a shirt), vector base geometric graphic designs that fill the pages of his VectorFunk book, and fabulous geometric murals done from France to right outside my door in Cincinnati (shown in the main blog image). In all of his work he uses bold and bright colors to grab the eye of the viewer. Matt definitely has a knack for combining his left and right sides of his brain to make the most of geometry and artistic art combinations. Also, you may have even seen some of Matt's work thorugh his collaborations with big name companies such as RayBan sunglasses and Case-mate iPhone cases. Read more about Matt W. Moore on his website:

Françoise Nielly is an amazing French woman to say the least. As you can see above, she brings a new energy to the human face. Nielly has definitely found her niche. The way she applies oil paint to canvas with just a knife is a very talented art form (Video). Not only are her paintings unique, they are constructed on giant pieces of canvas to take up almost a whole wall. With her use of color to bring the warmth and energy out of a painting she is bound to down in the history books. It's hard to find an artist in which every painting is amazing but for me Nielly definitely pleases every time. FYI it took me quite a long time to choose the featured paintings above; therefore, you should check out her website to see her hundreds of colorful faces she has painted. Franç